I am excited to begin my day. My creative juices are flowing and I feel magical. When that happens, I want to run with it. So I'm gonna.
It felt important and appropriate, though, that I take a moment to post my thanks on this day, especially.
I am thankful.
Blessed be.
May you indeed capture both the magic in this day, and the magic in your wonder-full self!
In Joy,
Dear Angie~
I am grateful to you for your thorough and very honest response to my inquire into your Awakening Sessions. Honestly, your starting suggestion sounds great! I'd have to do some number-crunching, but I am pretty sure that I will have the available funds free to exchange for your starting suggestion package either sometime in January or very early February. I look forward to it, because it sounds like you have a true gift to offer people and myself. Thank you, again, for being so real with me, and I will definitely follow-up with your suggestion as soon as I can next year ... and that will give me plenty of time to get deeply clear about what exactly my intention will need to be :)
Looking forward to the Journey!
Kristen (I send my love and good vibes your way!)
Thank you and you're welcome all at once!!! Looking forward to our joint adventures!
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