Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am excited to begin my day. My creative juices are flowing and I feel magical. When that happens, I want to run with it. So I'm gonna.

It felt important and appropriate, though, that I take a moment to post my thanks on this day, especially.

I am thankful.




Blessed be.


Kris said...


May you indeed capture both the magic in this day, and the magic in your wonder-full self!

In Joy,

Kris said...

Dear Angie~

I am grateful to you for your thorough and very honest response to my inquire into your Awakening Sessions. Honestly, your starting suggestion sounds great! I'd have to do some number-crunching, but I am pretty sure that I will have the available funds free to exchange for your starting suggestion package either sometime in January or very early February. I look forward to it, because it sounds like you have a true gift to offer people and myself. Thank you, again, for being so real with me, and I will definitely follow-up with your suggestion as soon as I can next year ... and that will give me plenty of time to get deeply clear about what exactly my intention will need to be :)

Looking forward to the Journey!
Kristen (I send my love and good vibes your way!)

Angie K. Millgate said...


Thank you and you're welcome all at once!!! Looking forward to our joint adventures!


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