I am able to create waves of controversy in the damnedest of places, in the damnedest of ways. Even when I am not intending to - or, perhaps, especially when I'm not intending to.
It happened today. I created a controversy. In my heart of hearts, I had only good intentions. I was so excited and passionate about teaching Life Skills at the Open Classroom. I was excited to share the classes that are titled things like Thought, Perception, Gratitude and Abundance, etc. They are a series of seven classes that are simply powerful and I was going to teach it as an elective course to the middle school! Seven classes of that with classes on meditation, journaling and crystals thrown in for entertainment value.
I talked with my daughter's teacher. She was excited about it. I talked to the Head Teacher. She was excited about it. I talked with the kids about it and they were beyond excited. Everyone was on board.
Everyone but the one mother who stopped me in the busy hallway this morning and yelled at me, saying I was proposing a class that was religious and illegal in the public school system. As the day went on and the drama increased, the friggin' legal department that heads our school got involved. There were threats to go to the State Education Board, yada yada yada.
I heard words thrown around like "Scientology" and "Wicca" and "Church of Science." I heard grumblings because I had used the words "Magical, Conscious Life" and "crystals for healing and enhancing your life" and "the magic of using Gratitude to lead your life into Abundance."
Ye-eah... I'm fuckin' frustrated right now and very, very sad.
Because, ya know what? They pulled my class from the roster. Now because one woman was queasy and, in her words, doesn't "believe in the falsehoods that I would be presenting as facts," there is to be an Inquistion and all those excited children don't get to have the class they all wanted.
I smell the wood burning now, folks.
What century is this?
I'll keep you posted.
Blessed are the ignorant - God help them. As if your teaching is going to knock the world off its axis? Welcome to the headless Chicken Republic - you just met their leader.
ha ha -
Word Verification - aenag
is that an Aegean Nag?
Oh, that really stinks Angie! I am truly sorry that you are experiencing the ugly fervor of ignorance ... but, imagine the curiosity and seeking of new ideas that your intro must have triggered in at least a few kids. . . . Intent, even if left at intent, does change lives :)
You are brave, beautiful, and bold! Keep breathing!
With love,
C~ I was thinking "aenag" could be another twist on my name... Angie, Abgue, Aenag!!! LOL And, yes, apparently I will send the world tilting. And I am excited about that. Big change is generally met with big resistance so I MUST be on to something!!!
K~ Darlin! I love you and your enduring support. I love that you show up and are here AND YOU LET ME KNOW YOU ARE HERE every single day. And, like I said to Cele, I'm thinking this must be a big one cuz there are heap big waves a-happenin! :)
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