Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Appreciation for 03/02/10

*Yep! It's that day of the week again! I get to spend the next few hours in the presence of the most amazing kindergarten kids you could ever meet. I'm WAY excited about this! *Giggling like a school girl with my daughter far too late into the night for a school night. But, gee! It was sure fun! *A new Manta Painting. *New rollers for my Caruso Molecular Hairsetter Set. They're really cute and RED. Now I look patriotic when I curl my hair... new RED rollers and the WHITE and BLUE rollers from the old set. LOL *The smell of Tide and Downy on my freshly-cleaned clothes. *The Osho Zen Tarot Cards because they're absolutely beautiful. The only cards that I've seen that rival these in beauty are my own. :~) *The unmistakable approaching of spring. ~ Feeling grateful for my life!

Grace in Small Things

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