I have discovered that I am allergic to some essential oils and I feel sad about that because if I am going to smell pretty, I would rather it be with a natural substance, rather than some chemical concoction.
I first discovered I was allergic to Sun's Eyes Mystic Blends "Protection" oil about five years ago. I had experienced a bout of vertigo that knocked my socks off and had my head spinning. So not a nice sensation to have the world all tipped to one side or the other and feeling as though I am going to slide off it. I had gone to the doctor - still being an allopathic, Western Medicine sort of gal at the time - and she had perscribed some antibiotics for me, stating I had a deep inner ear infection. It was of the 'cilin family... amoxocilin, penicilin or one of those.
In the midst of this horrible vertigo experience, I had the realization that there was some sort of psychic attack taking place on my system. Having no idea what that really meant and only just feeling it, I was in panic mode. I felt weak and sick and there was something/someone who was making it worse. I went to a local artsy-fartsy, New-Agey, Froo-froo-laa-laa store and picked me up some of that Protection oil. It smelled pretty and I loved that the essence of it was protection.
I placed it on my third eye, behind my ears, on my throat and on my heart chakra. Within 20 minutes I was covered head to toe in a raging rash of huge, silver dollar-sized and significantly raised hives. There were two theories on the board: 1) I was allergic, truly, to the 'cilins and the Protection properties of the oil was alerting me to that or 2) I was allergic to the lemmon verbena in the Protection oil. Not knowing which it was and choosing to never again experience what felt like being doused in scalding oil for hours on end, I have since avoided both substances.
The other day, I was back in that local artsy-fartsy, New-Agey, Froo-froo-laa-laa store and was drawn, yet again to their Sun's Eyes Mystic Blends sections. I have had success with the Attraction oil, which I personally think is the sexiest smell around. No hives with that one. So I picked up another bottle. I also grabbed a bottle of Prosperity oil thinking it would be nice to attract in prosperity.
Four days ago, I dabbed some Prosperity behind my ears, on my wrists and on my heart chakra. By the end of the day, I was itchy. I figured it was just because I was sweaty and let it go at that. Three days ago, I applied it in the same spots. By the end of that day, there was redness. I brushed it off, again, as being sweaty and hot because I had had a pretty active day. Two days ago, a glutton for punishment and apparently unable to see the warning signs in my own body, I applied it, yet again, in the same spots. By midday, my cleavage and chest was covered in a fiery mass of welts and there would be no relief.
Yesterday - no, I didn't reapply it - the hives blistered up between my breasts. And when I went out to walk the park on my lunch, the cold wind caused the skin on my arms to prickle up and eventually I looked like I had chicken pox. Today the rash is a little less heated, but my skin is still tender and red beneath my breasts and my cleavage is itching like crazy. I feel so pretty.
So... I am beginning to wonder if this particular line of essential oils requires a carrier - meaning, mix them with another oil or lotion. I cannot find anything on their site saying that they do, nor has there ever been anything at the store stating that.
At any rate, I am allergic to the natural herbal essences called Protection and Prosperity. Isn't that interesting!
There is a puzzler. So maybe trying a 'new brand' of those oils will change the way in which you interact with them? Just a thinky-think.
yeah... you should see my skin today. It looks like it has been burned! I am thinking that these oils do require a carrier... bummer...
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