Friday, February 15, 2008

Out of My Mind

Things are moving forward with my house purchase. I keep hearing myself say, "I am scared out of my mind." Last weekend, I said it so many times that I actually stopped mid-sentence at one point and really listened to what I was saying.

I am scared out of my mind.

I got curious about that. Scared out of my mind? Perhaps that is exactly where I need to be on this... out of my mind.

When I get scared, I have a tendency to crawl right up in my brain and stay there, analyzing and planning for all of the "what ifs" and such. It is a great distraction from my fear and keeps me stuck in the fear and away from that which I really want.

So, yes, I welcome the "scared out of my mind" way of being right now. It is a radically different approach from me that is keeping me solidly in my body, where I am present for every single decision that needs to be made. It also opens space for me to tap into my intuition.

My brain is terrified. My body and intuition, however, are one hundred percent certain that I am doing the right thing and everything is going to be okay in the end.

So, I commit to being scared out of my mind and going forward anyway.



Cele said...

Ang owning your own home is so much better than anything you've ever done before. But I understand there is so much to be scared about. But think of it this way it's a step to being the independent, non dependent you.

So tell me what about having your home scares you? Because girl you're up to the challenge.

Angie K. Millgate said...

I am actually really excited, Cele. I have waited for so long to have my own place. And my fears are rooted in money and the lack thereof.

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