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Where is My Focus?
"What you focus on grows." I imagine you've heard that many times before. It is a theory I thoroughly believe and expand upon in the "explore course" (their title for elective courses) I teach at the Open Classroom entitled Creative Explorations. In this class, I use a combination of movement, meditation and imagination to teach my students about how powerful their minds are.

I shared with them an experience I had once when I was a small child. One night, I was certain there was someone or something in my closet and it was making the clothes move. The longer I focused on this issue, the more frightened I became. I was convinced that, whatever it was, it was going to hurt me and so I lay still and frozen in my bed, watching the moving clothes. The more I watched the closet, the more my heart raced and the more difficult it became to breathe. My mind started creating all sorts of horrible images about what was going to happen to me if I didn't do something about the creature in my closet.

I can laugh about the experience now, but then the experience was not all that great. After sharing that experience with the kids, I pointed out that the more I focused on the monster in the closet, the bigger it got until I was certain I was facing my own imminent death.

© Angie K. Millgate 2/7/10
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