I could feel the excitement bursting from the tiny body standing next to me. I glanced down at the tow-headed little boy and estimated him to be around four years old. His blue eyes were wide with wonder and anticipation as he stared at the colorful package. I lost all interest in my shopping and chose, instead, to observe his process.
Standing back, I watched him approach his mother expectantly. She was paying him no heed as she herded her older son and daughter, pushed the cart and "shushed" the restless baby girl in the car seat attached to the cart. She looked haggard and as if she hadn't slept since her oldest child had been born, in my estimation, seven years ago... to continue reading, GO HERE.
Dear Angie,
I read this story late last night, from your wonderful newsletter, and I have to confess that it left a lasting touch upon my heart and actions, both last night and into today. It is a perfect story for this season, because we never know of whom/what we judge ... and so there is no reality in judgement, but only reality in love and loving. It is stunning how often love becomes loose and forgotten--how quickly--but, this story just reminded me that everything that has meaning in my life only gains that meaning through love.
One last thing: I've heard it preached that there are only two real motivations for our actions: Fear and Love. Well, Angie, I just wrote an entry yesterday about how I wanted to be free from fear ... and your newsletter inspired me to choose love: That Love is the answer to fear ... and the answer to all meaning in living.
I thank you for sharing such wisdom.
With love,
Wow. That definitely did not go where I expected it to. Just wow...
Wow, an exceptionally poigant piece. It really makes you stop and think all is not all it appears to be. And you're right, love is all we have, that and our word.
Sweet girl... thank you for your note. I appreciate your expression about how much this story effected you. I witnessed it a long time ago, but it stuck with me vividly. I felt inspired to share it, specifically, right now but didn't know why. I know now, though, judging by the emails.
Be well, my friend.
I am touched by your few words. The "just wow" coming from you means a lot.
Love you!
And, Cele~
Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate you reflecting back to me the word "poignant". I was searching for that word and couldn't find it...
Love you!
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