Friday, November 21, 2008

W.E. - "What Have I Done Right This Week?"

Image found through Google Search and located HERE.
If you would like to play Weekend Exposure with us, visit Amanda's blog for further information.


Kris said...

Dear Angie,

I am up late and I just got your newsletter. Well, I can't retire the day without first telling you how deeply I was touched by the power behind the story and words, sincerity and insight that your newsletter delivered to my night. You are indeed a brave and strong woman, Angie, and I applaud your commitment to your priorities, the focus of your heart! You DO deserve the fog to clear and to see another beloved bold and clear and coming your way. . . . So, live on and with eyes wide open to each moment ... and let the moments sweep your heart up!

With deep sincerity,

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

WOW! I love your entry for the Weekend Exposure! Magical! I feel transported. I love this game Amanda gives me a chance to reflect, let my experiences really land in my body AND connect with others! Here's my WE entry:

Angie K. Millgate said...


Thank you dear friend. That particular Meditation was a difficult one to write. Wrenched up emotions that I had no idea were still in there a-brewin up a storm. I was surprised to feel tears that refused to be shed.


Angie K. Millgate said...


I love your entry too and have been trying to figure out what it means!!! That is what I like about this game... sometimes the images only make sense to the person who has posted them. :)


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