A few weeks ago, I received an email from my sister with one line: "Thought maybe you would get a kick out of this. Sounds fun!" and a link: http://www.nanowrimo.org/. For gits and shiggles, I decided to check it out, read through the FAQ's and laughed til I was blue in the face. I was instantly hooked. Writing a 50,000-word novel in 30 days?! Hell yeah!
So I have joined the insanity of NaNoWriMo and I'm loving it. Pluggin' along, I've got myself a WHOPPING 249 words. Yeeeeehawwww! There is something about writing with abandon, having the only rule be "QUANTITY, not quality" and just going for it. It's quite liberating.
I ask that you send me support. I have NO IDEA what I am going to write, but I am completely charged. I think I am going for a fantasy novel based on some of my guided imagry images. I feel excited about that. Support looks like checking in with me via email (if you are a friend, you have that already). Or commenting here. I will post my word count as I go forward, every few days and I would love encouragement to go forward. My goal is to FINISH this race. I want to hit the 50,000 word mark, just to see if I can do it in 30 days. My book, Above the Clouds, is over 76,000 words, but it took me ten years to perfect it. LOL
Also, another way to support me would be to donate to the cause. You can do that by clicking the graphic above. YAY!
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