Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Each day I wake up and feel certain that I am a new person. It seems, now, my evolution is happening overnight. I go to sleep one person and wake up another. I feel excited to watch my life changing so fast. For years I have been saying, "When will all this that I am doing finally start paying off?"

Well, it is. Now is when it is paying off. Somewhere along the way, I have developed patience. I don't know how that happened or when, but it has. I am surprised most of all by that.


Cele said...

Embrace it, live it, cherish it, celebrate it. Own it.

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

I have been feeling out of sorts. As far as patience goes...I used to say that, "If patience is a virtue then I am not virtuous." I don't say that anymore. Instead, I hope to find the patience within me. What you wrote today moved me. I often want to understand everything and sometimes, things simply occur. I re-commit to being in the present, feeling my feelings and appreciating my grace. Thank you for your beautiful gift of writing. I am enjoying your blog.

Angie K. Millgate said...

Thank you, ladies. I wrote that in an especially "open" feeling space. Ye-eah... that was this morning, five hours ago. In this moment, I feel wretched and pissy. Oh how I love how my life and mood is continually changing!!!

Caroline said...

Very nice blog...glad I found it. Stop by for a visit in my neck of the woods...just started this whole blogging thing. It's nice to go somewhere else for "bliss"...

Anonymous said...

I feel silly admitting this...but I am one of those people who moveinaflash!! QUICK!!! And I started thinking that it is SO SILLY, and it adds to my stress to think that everything needs to be done yesterday, and with perfection. Well, for the past two days I have slowed my steps. step...step...step... Yep, it's driving me nuts but it might be like standing up straight. If feels odd at first, and then you realize that you can BREATHE better.

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