I feel so blessed. I am creating a life worth living and feel grateful that my imagination and creativity is firing so boldly to move me forward in easeful, fun ways.
I am excited about this Reiki party idea that Liz and I spawned. It is an amazing way to meet people and have fun at the same time! My party yesterday was just as successful as the first one with Liz. It was a totally different energy and different experience and incredibly successful, nonetheless.
I feel so fulfilled and complete right now. I am feeling grateful for being who I am and creating what I am and feeling light and free. I am grateful that I have chosen to keep going forward. Even in fear - and now, especially when I am in fear - I am going forward. I am choosing to say, "I am scared and I am going forward." This is new for me. So very new and I feel hopeful and abundant and oh so very blessed.
This is a totally kewl idea. It gives you a new opportunity to meet people, gain clients, and become more solvent. Excellent.
Who woulda thunk it?! Making money AND meeting new people CAN be fun and exciting and easy all at the same time! WOW!
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