Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sorry Sor-ry sor-RY!

When is enough, enough? How many times can a person hear the word "sorry" before it begins to mean nothing?

If you say it enough times it sounds weird. Try it.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. SORRY!


It means nothing, really. It doesn't. Especially when it is oft-repeated for the same offenses. Time and again, Sorry.

Here, let me yell at YOU... Oh. Yeah. Sorry for yelling at you yesterday. It was wrong of me. I was mad at HER, not you.

Here, let me throw things around and stomp and slam and call you names... Oh. Yeah. Sorry for being an ass this week. My life is just so out of control.

Here, you fucked this up AGAIN!... Oh. Sorry. You do a lot of stuff good. I am just mad about this, that and the other.

Here, you fucking don't appreciate me. EVER!... Oh. Sorry. That wasn't all about you last night on the phone. I am just so stressed out.

At one point in my life, those apologies worked for me. I had hope that the word meant that something was going to change. After 17 1/2 years, after all that time of hoping things would get better with age, I am seeing that much has changed, yet more is really still the same, if not worse. After all these years of hearing that word practically more than any other word in the English language, my ears have grown deaf to it. It piles up on top of me with all the shit that proceeds it and I am weighted down and lugging along clumps of... shit. Big, heavy, oozing clumps of shit.

I am exhausted from the sound of the word.


I hate it.

And I am finding myself hating the person who uses that word into nonsense.

Please, God. PLEASE! Provide the way out of here...


Cele said...

Ang, grasp the opportunities in front of you, or make one. But get the heck out of there. God is not going to do it, he already gave you the legs to leave, you have to find the way.

Angie K. Millgate said...

I am breathing and trusting and that is moving me through. Thanks for being here! Really, C! Thank YOU!

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