I am grateful that it is a beautiful day in my hometown, that the sky is clear, crystalline blue and the sun is shining brightly. I am grateful because I really feel like a bear - all growly and standing on my hind legs, ready for attack with my claws and teeth bared. The glorious weather makes it a tad easier to calm the beastie.
I am not a fan of the time changes to conserve energy. I have never been. It takes me, it seems, pretty much the entire time between changes to get acclimated. I have about a month where I am confident that I am back in my own time zone and then the time is changed again.
Last night, I spent most of the night awake or in that sleeping place where I am aware of every single tick and crinkle in the air so I am not really asleep. It happens every time I use my alarm clock, which is rarely. Many years ago, I realized that I loathe alarm clocks. Didn't matter what kind either... bells, buzzes, music, lights. Didn't matter. I despised being startled awake and each time I did, it would set the tone for my day: absolute pissy-ness.
In an attempt to create a more easeful life for myself, I trained my body to wake up on its own. I am impressed with my ability to do this and my body rarely fails me. Unless, of course, I have abused it and have not given it enough rest. However, if there is a particular - and, most importantly - important appointment which requires me to rise at an earlier time, I set an alarm clock. And I spend the entire night awake, afraid that that damn clock will let me down.
Last night was one of those nights. I am unconfident of my waking ability when some outside force fucks with my time zone. I have heard about all the ways you can get acclimated... go to bed and rise fifteen minutes earlier each day for a few days prior to the change; drink lots of water; start changing your clocks ten minutes at a time a week prior. Ye-eah. Whatever. They are all just tricks, most of which don't work for me because I have tried them. Besides, I already drink a gallon of water a day. Drinking more water, for me, would only mean more time spent peeing.
So, I slide bumpily and grumpily into the new time, grateful for the sunshine and keep my fingers crossed that this time it will be easier. All the while wondering why I still feel like I am asleep and looking at the clock, saying to myself, "Oooohhhh. That's why. The clock says 7:00, but it's really only 6:00."
The spring ahead never bothers me, but like you said I never recover from the fall back. I have a 6am airshift every other Saturday morning, inevitably I never sleep the night before. Argh.
6am "airshift"? UGH! Is it TV or radio? Radio would be okay cuz you could show up in jammies and slippers. However, television would require a fabulous make over prior to 6am. THAT would be horrific!!!
Here's my trick: I set my clocks back/forward on Friday night when I get home from work. That way, I have the entire weekend to adjust and when Monday rolls around, I'm ready to go again. Still, I wish the government would drop the whole DST thing all together. It's worthless and nothing but a delusion.
(See! Further evidence the government is still in charge! Goes right along with the rest of the conversations we've been having today!)
Yes, you're right, Jay. It IS further proof that "they" have us under their thumbs.
Radio and yes I and many other DJ's have gone to work in our jammies on Saturday mornings.
Good trick Tewkes I will have to remember that.
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