Monday, December 17, 2007


I was excited when I looked at the envelope and realized the return address was from one of my dearest friends who had moved to Washington this summer. I tore into the envelope, just to feel her presence near. I knew she had touched that card. She had held it in her hands. Out fell the most gorgeous card I have seen in a long time and, with it, the essence of my sweet friend. It was as if she had somehow folded up a little piece of her angel presence and stuffed it in there for me to find. And, on the front, there was one word:


I smiled because it was so like her. Simple and straight to the point. Inside, there was a picture of her and her daughter. I smiled and wanted to reach inside the photograph and pull her out to be with me here. I miss spending time listening to her beautiful voice belt out her heart in her songs. I miss hearing her silly jokes and hearing her lilting laugh. I miss watching her transform on stage and transcend earth when she sings - so totally in the moment while, at the same time, somewhere ethereal. I miss her strength and fragility and humanness.

Then I read the card:

Happy Holidays!
I love you!
Someone did this for me once.
When you can, do it for another single mother.
Kisses my dear!

For a moment, I was stumped, I didn't know to what she was referring. Someone did what for her once? And then I spied it. Hidden behind the photograph was another slip of paper. Sneaky her!

Oh. My...... God!

I couldn't help it. The tears were springing out of my eyes before I even understood what I was looking at. It was a check. A check of a substantial amount. Someone had done that for her once, although I had never known that. And she chose to pay it forward with me.

Oh my god.... even now, I cry. What a beautiful gift of love!


Mary Tebbs said...

Serves you right....what with your generosity and all and how you paid it forward for our friend. Serves you right! Yeah!

Angie K. Millgate said...


I realized that while I was writing that! I remembered you writing to me something about it coming back to me tenfold. It has!

Love to you!!!

Anonymous said...

For some reason you still think that good things should not happen to you, well your friend has proven you wrong once and for all. For all of the wonderful things you have done for others over the years :) it is the universe paying you back and thanking you for being such a wondeful, mother, sister, daughter, aunt and friend..kisses!

Angie K. Millgate said...

Oh thank you, my dear darling GoddessSister, Sammee! Love to you, sweetie!

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