Thursday, December 13, 2007

Immunization Info

The Gullible Jennifer Garner Flu Shot Campaign
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Byron Richards, CCN

Flu shots remain a subject of intense controversy. Vaccinations of all types remain the centerpiece of the public health herd-mentality paradigm. Just wait until the Avian flu comes, then you will see public health at its finest. Yes, there will be police-state forced vaccinations with experimental vaccines and no right of recourse if you are injured. Thanks to our generally brain-dead Congress the laws are already on the books.

Keep in mind that public health is not in the best interests of any one person. It is a lazy system of big profits, WHICH EXPECTS A CERTAIN NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO BE INJURED OR KILLED IN THE NAME OF THE "GREATER GOOD." If this were not the case then babies would all be tested for a lack sIGA before being immunized to determine whose immune system is lacking. Doing so would undoubtedly lower the cases of immunization-induced Autism and its spectrum of disorders, an epidemic that parallels the year-to-year increase in vaccine use (1 in 150 children now have Autism). The public health system would rather have the epidemic of Autism, which creates lots of customers for the health care system (sickness industry), costing parents an extra million dollars per child.

Fear of disease is the driving force behind all public health campaigns. Fear is the great motivator of blind compliance. Jennifer Garner, celebrity and young mother, is now on a soapbox encouraging mothers across the country to have their children immunized with the flu vaccine. Earth to Jennifer Garner: How many infants will your misguided propaganda injure?

Vaccines have a long and tarnished history, along with an element of workability - which is why there is a controversy. Louis Pasteur is the grandfather of the vaccine-for-profit industry, the creator of the first vaccines (rabies, anthrax, and smallpox) with the financial backing of industry. He had his research records sealed for 50 years after his death, and when they were finally reviewed he was found to be a liar and dishonest scientist. He routinely discarded experiments that didn't prove his vaccine theory and even lied about the kind of vaccines he was using because the technical merit of his work was flawed.

Another great promoter of vaccines was Jonas Salk, who invented the polio vaccine. As a big believer he injected himself with more of this vaccine than anyone else. Apparently, the polio virus in his vaccines lodged in his spine and came back to kill him in later life.

Smallpox was a devastating illness, and its vaccine marked the blending of the sickness industry and the military. During WWII weaponized smallpox was developed by the US and UK. It is also known that the first versions of the smallpox vaccine were virally contaminated and given to millions of Americans. Confidential sources have told me that the military is still tracking the health of these Americans (baby boomers) who received these virally contaminated smallpox vaccines.

The relationship of the military to the vaccine industry and Big Pharma is undeniable. Controversy surrounds numerous viral diseases, including AIDS, SARS, H5N1, and others. Are some of these viruses genetically engineered by man or the military? What viral concoctions does the military have on hand? The American public only has a glimpse at the tip of this iceberg; most information is kept secret under the guise of national security. However, nobody should be too naïve, germ-related warfare is at the top of the military's priority list. You have to feel sorry for the many soldiers defending America that have been subjected to who knows what experimental vaccine.

This gets us to a discussion of the flu vaccine. In a perfect world the vaccine gives a "heads up" to the immune system, priming it to go into action should it see the real thing. It is most likely to work well in young adults who are perfectly healthy, the type of person who is not likely to get sick. The target audience for vaccinations is immune compromised individuals, the elderly, infants, children, and pregnant women. It is true that all of these individuals are more at risk for the flu; they are also more at risk for adversely reacting to a flu vaccine. I've been in the health field over 20 years and I can tell you that getting the flu from the flu shot is a common happening.

Infants are trying to develop an immune system, like going to school. They are also trying to develop a digestive system. The links between digestive health and immune health are significant. If a child has digestive disturbances then that child is likely to have difficulty with a proper immune response to a vaccine, independent of blatant deficiency of sIGA. This is because the digestive system is lined with foreign bacteria and yeast. If that relationship is imbalanced it means that the immune system (half of which resides around the intestinal tract) is struggling to learn its ABCs.

In fact, the epidemic of asthma in this country is directly related to doctor-prescribed excess antibiotic use resulting in an overgrowth of Candida albicans. The excess Candida produces highly inflammatory oxylipins that directly communicate to the human immune system and confuse it, priming it for hyperactivity and inability to see infection. When such children and infants are given vaccines they are often inoculated with the weakened virus, have an exaggerated neurological response, and do not mount a proper immune defense. Millions of children have been given antibiotics and have developed such digestive problems. Any vaccine is problematic in this situation. In fact, all flu must begin by replicating in the digestive tract before it moves to the lungs or other areas of the body. A healthy digestive system is the number one most important factor for immune defense against the flu - for any person of any age. This obviously means little or no sugar intake, especially if a person is fighting a bug.

The flu vaccine is grown in chicken eggs and thus has the genetic material of the nervous system of chickens as an antigen in the vaccine, which is attracted into the human nervous system and capable of producing an undesirable inflammatory immune response. Additionally, adjuvants are included in the vaccine to help boost the immune response to the weakened virus. Such adjuvants are known to prime brain cells into a hyper-irritated condition. This is a very undesirable side effect, putting the brain's glial cells into a state of inflammatory arousal. Thus, immunizations of any type set the stage for excitotoxic brain damage and brain injury from the vaccine. Those children lacking antioxidant defense in their brains are the one's that will be injured. Babies born prematurely or whose mothers were overweight going into pregnancy, had gestational diabetes, or toxemia, are at particularly high risk for inflammatory nerve problems from vaccinations (due to poor leptin wiring of the infant's brain during pregnancy). Leptin is the brain's primary antioxidant that protects against excitotoxic nerve damage.

On top of that, the flu vaccine contains mercury as a preservative (Thimerosal). Mercury is a potent nerve toxin. It has been shown that the more flu vaccines an elderly person has the greater the onset of age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease. I wonder what it is doing to the brain of an infant?

Thus, flu vaccines are a perfect storm of neurological stress (mercury, myelin chicken antigen, adjuvants, and attenuated virus - not to mention potential contamination). The risk of problems is magnified in individuals with immunologic and/or digestive problems, which is the target audience. How many infants and children must suffer brain damage before public health goons wake up?

Maybe mothers should care for their infants and small children at home during the flu season. Adults and other children should always wash their hands before holding an infant, as they can readily pass germs to the infant which they are not susceptible to (they don't feel sick so they don't think they are passing anything on). Obviously, an infant should be kept away from people who are sick with the flu or public areas where the flu virus will invariably be encountered.

There are many natural compounds that can help correct digestive problems and support healthy immunity, even for infants. The absolutely destructive over-prescription of antacid medication to infants (confirmed now at 80% overuse) is highly damaging to the immune system as it knocks out the first line of defense against any viral infection that is swallowed (its in the air, you breathe it in, you swallow, its now in the stomach). Thus, doctors are fueling the risk factor for infants getting the flu. It is now documented that adults on antacid medication double their risk for the flu.

Then there is the issue of whether or not flu vaccines even work. Seldom is a flu vaccine a perfect match for the flu strain that is coming around. It may give a partial boost, which in my opinion pales in comparison to a robust and healthy natural immune response. The flu can rapidly mutate within 24 hours to escape any given vaccine. The only real chance you actually have is the health of your own immune system.

You would think that with all the billions of dollars involved there would be hard core proof that flu vaccines provide a benefit. Each year public health officials try to promote some study that is typically flawed. In general, the only proven benefit is for individuals stuck in a nursing home (living in a Petri dish with no way out). For the general ambulatory population, proof of any benefit is woefully lacking. There is proof that the more immunizations a person has the worse their immune system works as they get older. All the false alarms create too many T-memory cells that don't want to do anything. It's like having a bunch of old generals sitting around the table telling war stories, and nobody wanting to go into action.

I've never had a flu shot, nor has my wife. Our four grown children have never had a flu shot. In fact, they were raised in way that they never needed an antibiotic to combat illness as they grew up. Certainly, antibiotics should be used appropriately when needed. However, the apparent need for them is due in no small part to the poor diet, lack of nutrients, exposing children to too many germs too fast (daycare), and high stress within families. If you would like to see an infant get sick, simply have an argument in front of them.

No doubt, the public health propaganda for flu shots will be in full swing this year. Fear is the mantra. The fear is misplaced; it should be of the flu shot itself. Remember, public health is never in the best interest of any one person. If public health officials convince enough gullible people to take a flu shot then why do you or your children "need" one? The focus should be on strengthening your own immune system and helping your children to do the same. There are no short cuts to a healthy immune system.

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