Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Date?

It's Christmas.

I have a Christmas party with friends tonight. The invitation said, "Bring your significant other." I have another such invitation sitting on my dresser for a dinner party next Thursday.

I don't have a significant other.

And I am really feeling it this year.


JulieAnn said...

I feel it too, babe. I hear you. You are enough. Me too, yada yada...I know. We say it and can't wait for it to sink right into our gut.

(btw, my word verification was unmud) LOL

Angie K. Millgate said...

LOL! Unmud??? How hilarious is that in relation to what you and I were saying. I will be unmud-ed when I have a date, when it sinks into my gut, yada yada yada... Hilarious!!!

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