Yeah! Another fun and movie-filled weekend has just past. I loooooove movies!
The first movie I attended was This Christmas

This is another feel-good family-themed movie with incredible music and a gorgeous cast. I was entertained by the various unfolding plots, some of which had me confused up to the very end when it all made sense. I adored the true-to-life feeling of family, especially in the final scenes of the movie where they all get to cut loose. Great movie and I recommend it, although it as a matinee. Although there was some violence, there wasn't any overt sexual scenes or foul language. The sexual overtones were in sarcastic lines, but not too much in your face so you would be able to take children over 10 with you.
Next I saw Enchanted, much to my daughter's delight and my mother's chagrin.

This super-sweet movie is animation and reality, but is not combined at the same time on the screen, thank god. In tradition of all old Disney animation, it is a musical, so be warned. Amy Adams does an
amazing job as Giselle, the sparkly-eyed damsel in distress. She is convincingly a Disney Princess to the very core. Somehow she has mastered the wide-eyed sweetness that all of Disney's Princesses have and her voice is perfect for the role. Since I am a true romantic at heart, this movie spoke to me on a very gut level. Even though most of it is not animated, it is very much a fairy tale and has all the elements of such, including a wicked stepmother and fierce dragons. Recommend it as a matinee.
Finale of this weekend was August Rush.

It has been a long time since a movie's soundtrack has enamored me completely. The music of this movie was astounding with an ecclectic mix of rock, classical, gospel and ballads in such a magically smooth way that it moved the story along without a pause. Freddie Highmore is breathtaking in his performance, saying so much with his eyes without speaking a word at times. I was startled by the excellent, yet brutal performance put forth by Robin Williams. The previews did not let on at all as to his part in the tale. And, while this was, at its heart, a love story, it was also a movie about believing in who you are at the core of your being. It's a movie that left me feeling that all was right with the world and is worth seeing, even at full price!
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